Yoga is not just for adults anymore. More and more research has come out on the benefits of yoga practice for children of all ages. From the cooing baby to independent teenager, Yoga can benefit all ages. While there are more and more Yoga classes geared towards these different age groups, there are also a lot of ways to engage your kids at home. Introducing Yoga to your kids will not only help them be physically active, self-confident, and able to handle stressful situations; it will also help you do the same.
To get your kids involved, it's a good idea to start by doing yoga with them. This doesn't require that you enroll in expensive classes, however. There are many resources that you can explore at home. Below is a list of my favorites. Books, Cd's, websites, and videos. Check them out and have fun! Books Bersma, D. & Visscher, M. (2003) Yoga Games for Children. Alameda, CA: Hunter House Inc. Solis, S. (2006). Storytime Yoga. Boulder, CO: The Mythic Yoga Studio. Tummers, N. (2009). Teaching Yoga for Life. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Wenig, M. (2003). Yoga kids: Edcuating the whole child through yoga. New York, NY: Stewart, Tabori, & Chang. CD's Websites Videos Once engaged in Yoga practice, try exploring those classes in your area. You can enroll in classes with your children, or register them for an independent class. Find what works for you and your family. The benefits will be great! Namaste, Kristin Henningsen M.S., C.H., R.Y.T.
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AuthorI am constantly amazed by the healing power of yoga and herbs. They inspire me to heal, to write, to teach, and to keep exploring. Archives
January 2017